WB Group Increases Cooperation with Lukasiewicz Research Network

The WB Group’s agreement with the Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Organic Industry concerns mutual support in ongoing projects and joint participation in new ventures. Their aim will be to develop innovative technologies and solutions.
The Institute’s activities include work related to the manufacture of high explosives, detonation initiation and transfer systems and solid rocket fuel charges. The agreement regulates and describes the methods of cooperation in research and development, analysis and expertise, as well as the use of technical and organisational potential. The cooperation between WB Group and Łukasiewicz - IPO is to involve mutual support in ongoing projects and joint participation in new ventures aimed at developing technologies and solutions to increase the partners« technological and production potential. The agreement is to enable a dynamic and flexible approach in the course of ongoing projects, tailored to actual expectations and needs.
Łukasiewicz - Institute of Organic Industry (IPO), part of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, carries out research, R&D and small-scale production for the needs of industry, security and national defence.