TELDAT – the global level of the Polish C4ISR

”The high quality of highly specialized hardware and software in the field of military ICT has always been and is the most important goal of TELDAT, the company which produces it,” emphasized Łukasz Apiecionek Ph.D., Eng., Professor at the Institute of IT at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz.
Bearing in mind the optimal and effective development, production, implementation and servicing / maintenance of highly specialized equipment and software in the field of military ICT (Information Technology and Communications), the technical departments and organizational units of the Bydgoszczbased company have been systematically expanded and improved for 25 years. One of the last projects of this type was the commissioning of a new / even larger infrastructure of the Quality Management Department. It has been equipped with modern and advanced equipment as well as research and test software. The following were installed in it: climatic chambers, vibration tables, vibration recorders, thermal imagers, thermohygrometers, IP network multimeters, analyzers and testers, meters and fiber optic cable certificates and accurate automatic scales. Their examples of use are presented in the photos below.

Research and development, laboratory-test and production potential
The current national and international position of TELDAT, offering a wide range of comprehensive, universal, unified, mutually consistent, and integrated C4ISR-class hardware and software solutions, as well as extensive ICT implicit government networks, have been influenced by many advanced, long-term and closely related factors and processes. The company's unquestionable strength in this area is certainly due to the largest, national, highly qualified, and experienced engineering staff (especially in the development, manufacture, and development of automated fighting management systems). A large part of it are specialists with academic degrees, including professors and habilitated doctors

Another important attribute of the company is its own independent headquarters located in a large complex of modern facilities, equipped with: advanced manufacturing machinery, equipment and tools (e.g. automated production and assembly line), modern research and testing laboratories (with the necessary research and measurement equipment, specially designed test kits, advanced climatic chambers, vibration tables, and automated scales) and a training base. All this enables engineers from Bydgoszcz to design, prototype, research, and multi-range testing of military ICT solutions, up to their serial production, distribution, and implementation of the final and most perfect versions.

Examples of these products are presented in the photos below. They are mainly: Command, Control, Communication & Information Systems – HMS JASMINE, also with the new ICT Nodes (WTi), BMS JASMINE, DSS JASMINE and JFSS JASMINE, which are part of the Battle Management System of Systems, as well as a large set of components / solutions that are equipped with them that are capable of being used independently.

TELDAT, which products are used by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and many other armies, has for many years had a high and wide level of authorization, as well as in the field of industrial security and protection of classified information, including accredited positions for processing information with the clause: SECRET, NATO SECRET AND SECRET UE/EU SECRET.

The Bydgoszcz-based company also conducts very extensive didactic and training activities, as well as support, especially in the field of development, implementation, and operation of advanced and extensively operating automated command systems, support for military operations and communication (examples of photos from these projects are provided below). In this respect, it implements many projects for national and allied security and defense, mainly for the Ministry of National Defence, the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), and domestic and foreign partners / companies. It also closely cooperates with Polish and allied research and development centers, as well as various national and international agencies and institutions.

Advanced technologies and quality standards and procedures
TELDAT from the beginning of its existence and to this day is constantly developing and operating on the basis of the Quality Management System in accordance with the standards and publications: ISO 9001, AQAP 2110 and 2210. In its business, it uses a systematic, standardized approach to designing comprehensive and uniform solutions tailored to the individual needs of the ordering parties, based on: Project Management Institute PMBOK Guide and Standards and AXELOS Prince 2 - PRojects IN Controlled Environments.

In the field of production, TELDAT applies a number of production standards and quality procedures, including:
• ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) – procedures to ensure electronic components are safe from electrostatic discharge;
• MSD (Moisture-Sensitive Device) – qualitative processes related to humidity control of equipment;
• SMD&THT Processes (Surface Mounted Devices & Through Hole Technology) – technologies and standardized ways to mount surface / through electronic components;
• FOE (Foreign Object Elimination) – a qualitative procedure to protect the device from foreign objects (e.g., from leaving tools and other loose components inside the equipment);
• IPC-A-610E and IPC-J-STD-001 – electronic assembly quality standards.

Czytaj też: More ICT Nodes for the Polish Armed Forces
Almost all ICT devices manufactured at TELDAT are highly efficient and durable military solutions (SPW) which, depending on the Client's requirements, can meet numerous Polish and international military standards, e.g.: NO-06-A101÷NO-06-A108 (Military equipment - General technical requirements, control and test methods), NO-06-A200 (Electromagnetic compatibility), MIL-STD-810 (Environmental engineering considerations and laboratory tests), MIL-STD-461 (Electromagnetic compatibility), MIL-STD1275E (Characteristics of 28 volt DC input power to utilization equipment in military vehicles) and TEMPEST – ZOBT-500A for TPZU levels-3/2/1 (equivalent to NATO SDIP-27 Level A/B/C).

The software developed at the company in Bydgoszcz, especially the C4ISR, is manufactured in accordance with all international and NATO interoperability standards, such as: MIP Baseline (Multilateral Interoperability Programme), JC3IEDM (STANAG 5525), Friendly Force Tracking – NFFI (IP1, IP2, SIP3) – NATO Friendly Force Information, FFI-MTF (STANAG 5527), ADatP-36 (FFI-XML-MTF), Plans and Orders (STANAG 2014), ADatP-3, APP-11(C) (STANAG 5500), APP-6 (tactical symbols), NVG (NATO Vector Graphics), WMS (Web Map Service), WFS (Web Feature Service), JIPS (JCOP Information Product Services), JDSS – Joint Dismounted Soldier System (STANAG 4677), Link 16 (STANAG 5516) for JREAP-C (STANAG 5518), SIMPLE (STANAG 5602), Link 11B (STANAG 5511) for SIMPLE (STANAG 5518), VMF – Variable Message Format (MIL-STD 6018B and MIL-STD 47001D), ATP-45CBRN – Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (STANAG 7149), ADatP-34 (Allied Data Publication 34) – NATO C3 Technical Architecture, RIC – Reportable Item Code, ADatP-37 – CID Server (STANAG 5528), OTH-GOLD, HLA – High Level Architecture (STANAG 4603) and Battlefield Directory (STANAG 4644).
The most important of these software solutions (automated battle and crisis management systems – HMS C3IS JASMINE, BMS C3IS JASMINE, DSS C3IS JASMINE, JFSS C3IS JASMINE and CMS C3IS JASMINE, and extensive specialist alarming / notification – SEIS) are presented in the following picture.

The first five of them are part of a comprehensive and universal C3IS JASMINE – Command, Control, Communication & Information System of Systems for all echelons, which is also a TELDAT product. Its most important features are provided by the aforementioned HMS C3IS JASMINE – Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level, which, depending on the current needs, can easily, very efficiently and rationally (operationally, utility and economically) achieve the desired capabilities of the above-mentioned System of Systems.

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TELDAT's competences and potential in numbers
The most reliable summary of the high-level competences and potential of TELDAT in the defense industry are as follows:
• 25th year of effective operation on the defense market. Its many results are unique in the world;
• more than 150 unreprehensible major (including many multi-annual) contracts, including foreign ones;
• more than 12 000 trained Users, including instructors – academic teachers. Whereas this number is constantly increasing;
• over 22 000 implemented hardware and software components;
• more than 10 000 m2 of the registered office area, as well as more than 8000 m2 of the production, laboratory, storage and office buildings;
• more than 80% of the workforce are highly educated engineers of (including experts in the field): IT, telecommunications, electronics, as well as technologists, managers, quality experts, deployment and service specialists;
• an exceptionally large number (over 140) of domestic and international projects (peacekeeping and stabilization missions, as well as interoperability exercises and workshops), during which TELDAT hardware and software solutions were used and tested. The most important of them are presented in the picture below;

• 11 training laboratories, implemented and successfully operated in 5 State research and training centers in Poland. The most important of them are presented in the picture below;

• over 40 ennoblements (major prizes and distinctions) received as part of international and national fairs, competitions, etc.). The most important of them are presented in the picture below.

Łukasz Apiecionek Ph.D., Eng., Professor at the Institute of IT at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, working as the Director at the Innovative IT Technologies Department TELDAT
More information:
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